
Be prepared and don’t leave anything to chance.


Roles and responsibilities

Who is best placed to take responsibility of each task in your investment process? What decisions should you retain and what tasks should be outsourced to advisers, investment managers or other specialists?

We can provide you with an independent opinion on how to best structure your investment decision-making process.


Investment beliefs

To guide consistent and thoughtful decision making, you should codify your investment beliefs. Do you believe in market efficiency or active management? Do you want to take a clear stance on environmental, social and governance (ESG)? Can currency risk add value to your portfolio?

We’re here to guide you through the process of shaping and formulating your investment beliefs.

Review process

It is important to review your investment process regularly. But what is the right way of doing it? Just because a strategy had a bad quarter does not mean it needs to be necessarily under review. It’s best to outline the review process before you start investing, and then stick to it.

We can help you to determine review criteria and processes that are free of emotions and hindsight bias.



The Statement of Investment Policy and Objectives (SIPO) is the key governance document for a well-organised investment programme. All important aspects should be documented in the SIPO. It acts as the constitution of your investment programme, a document that you can consult whenever you are unsure about what to do, and how to do it.

We can support you in constructing a SIPO that can stand the test of time and ensure that you always feel in control during your investment journey.